Who We AreRestaurant & Chef
「シェ オリビエ」は、
「シェ オリビエ」のキッチンに、全国から届く小さな生産者が手がける野菜たち。その多くのがオーガニックです。「シェ オリビエ」は本物の味を大切に「自家製」にこだわります。その料理の多くがオーダーが入ってからオリビエとスタッフの手によって作られます。作り置きは好みません。季節を感じ、主役の食材の味を存分に味わえる、ハレの日だけでなく、普段からよい空気を吸うようにフランス料理を味わって欲しい、「シェ オリビエ」はそんなレストランです。
The restaurant Chez Olivier, which in French means the “House of Olivier,” was opened in 2009 by chef-owner, Olivier Oddos, for guests to enjoy typical French in a relaxed atmosphere.
The restaurant uses only the finest ingredients. The vegetables, most of which are organic, come from small growers all over Japan. Because Chef Olivier believes authentic tastes are essential, he is careful to make everything home-made.
Nothing is made ahead of time. After an order is placed, Olivier and his staff will prepare the dishes. Olivier wants his guests to taste the flavors of the season, not only on special occasions, but everyday—just as naturally as breathing fresh air. So each day, the dishes at Chez Olivier take full advantage of what the seasons have to offer.

オリビエ オドス
1970年 フランス、ボルドー生まれ。
16歳から料理の世界に入り、幾つものミシュラン星付きレストランで働き、シェフに抜擢されることも。パリの「ラ・トゥール・ダルジャン」(当時2ツ星)でセカンドシェフを務め、「ラ・トゥール・ダルジャン」のシェフの推薦により2000年「ル・コルドン・ブルー」の料理教授として来日。神戸校、東京校のテクニカルディレクター、エグゼクティブシェフを歴任後2009年東京・市ヶ谷に「シェ オリビエ」をオープン。
Olivier Oddos
Olivier Oddos was born in 1970 in Bordeaux, France. He entered the culinary world at the age of 16 and worked at numerous Michelin-starred restaurants. Even at a young age, he was sometimes chosen as a chef.
At the La Tour d’Argent, at that time a 2-starred restaurant, Olivier worked as a second chef. In 2000, at the recommendation of the head chef of La Tour d’Argent, Olivier came to Japan as a cooking instructor for Le Cordon Bleu.
After a year working as a technical director and executive chef at the Kobe and Tokyo branches of Le Cordon Bleu, he opened Chez Olivier in Ichigaya in 2009.
Olivier considers himself to be both a chef and restaurateur. Thus, to provide the best possible dining experience for everyone, everyday at his restaurant, Olivier is involved not only in the kitchen, but also in the selection of wines and in the service.